Sunday 26 October 2014

Interview with The Luckie Bunny Blog!

Hey guys,
Today I am doing an interview with a new blogger from The Luckie Bunny Blog, you can find her blog HERE. We also did an interview on her blog as well so hop on over here to see that.
Alright lets get started!

1)Tell us a little bit about yourself?I love to be known as ‘syasya' or ‘ mysyaa' .. im 15 yo .. I live in malaysia . I'm second from 4 siblings .. I just have a brother and he is the eldest .

2) What genre would you say your blog is, or is going to be?
I love to tell about my life my story life .. I want to let readers know .. what I'm doing . what I like. yah.. mostly about my life ..

3) Fave picture from your instagram?

For now .. the ring pic .. 

4) Who inspired you to start a blog?Lucky Dolphin ( Athisha Khan ) 

5) Fave instagrams and blogs?
@oh.kitty @freshlypickked @athishakhan and you 

6) If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
I want to go to mecca to perform my Hajj and Korea.

7) Fave colour?
Pastel colours mostly white and red solid.

8) Where do you find inspiration?
from Lucky Dolphin blog.

9) Fave youtubers?
Lucky dolphin.

10) Fave food?
Tofu japanese food and my mom's cooks.

11) Describe the theme of your instagram?
Idk how to describe since I'm still thinking about the theme .. haha.

12) What do you think the future will hold for you?
As a well-known blogger or as a TV host.

Alright thats it for today. Make sure to check out the interview on her blog.

Jean Xx

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Galaxy Nails!

Galaxy Nails
Hey guys,
This is going to be my first tutorial about how to do what I like to call galaxy nails. Although they may look difficult they really aren't.
So here we go....

Step 1. Gather your materials

Im going to be using 5 colours but you can really use more or less and feel free to change up the colours if you like.
I'm using:
Miki blue
Revlon Chalkboard- Straight as
Revlon Expressionist- 360 Vincent VanGold
Any top coat you happen to have
Any base coat.
Small make up sponge
A piece of paper

Step 2.
Create your background
Im going to be using my black but you can use any dark colour.

Step 3. Making the galaxy.
Once the base colour is dry Get your first colour and dab a bit onto the paper. You may have to add more. Using the sponge dab a small amount across each fingernail. Make sure that you can still see the base colour underneath. It is also best to use a clean sponge.

Another step you could do is to paint a coat of a top coat containing sparkles. I decided not to because I didn't want it to get too messy.

Step 4. Creating volume.
Get your next colour, I'm using gold, and do the same thing, dabing the colour on using the sponge.
I then also did the same thing with the purple.

Step 5. Stars
Using a thin tipped white brush (or just being very careful)draw little dots onto each nail. You could even add a few actual stars by drawing tiny crosses.

And you're done! go ahead and admire your little masterpieces. See it was a lot easier than you thought, wasn't it.

Tats all for now guys I hope this was helpful. If you do try this out please leave a picture below to show me how it went!
Jean Xx